来源:International Publishing Journal
作者:Zhang Zhen
Bai Bing
Editor in Chief of Jieli Publishing House
There are many domestic professional experts from children publishing industry, who have carried out broad researches about segments of children’s books in Chinese publishing market. They have discovered that domestic children’s literature works are often higher quality, and many writers who are devoted to children literature tend to be productive and broad-scaled. However, some categories including baby books, science books and picture books do not seem to be popular enough. I think that the result of this research caters to the current situation of China’s publishing industry for children’s books.
During the past few years, there has been many children’s literature of China that are published and influenced enormously. However, other aspects still have problems. I think that the abovementioned issues of unbalanced structure development of children’s book categories should be confronted and adjusted actively.
In terms of baby books, the demand of baby book market is getting larger and larger as the two-child policy comes to effect, providing new development space for writers and illustrators. That, in my opinion, indicates that the spring of baby book has arrived. Actually, there are several domestic publishers which are excellent in producing baby books, such as Infant Pictorial , Pre-school Pictorial produced by China Children’s Press and Publication Group, which produces other excellent baby books as well. Baby books from Jieli Publishing House, Hunan Children’s Publishing House, New Buds Publishing House are also well-produced.
With regard to science books for children, we do need to put in greater efforts to make them good enough, for the domestic science books still have a long way to go compared to those from developed countries.
Speaking of original picture books, we have achieved excellently in this field during the past decades. However, there is a general phenomenon in picture books currently; namely, there are more literature picture books than story picture books. The number of original creation categories, such as game picture books, art picture books and toy picture books is still very small. I think that this is an aspect which we need to put in efforts into so as to catch up with European and American publishers. We ought to learn from them, so that more sorts of picture books can be brought into publication and more reading demands from the market can be satisfied.
Infant Pictorial
Pre-school Pictorial